Regeneration of abrasive materials

to be re-used for the production of abrasive discs

Why is it so great?

We are the first company to regenerate abrasive materials from the scrapped or used discs into raw materials.

Sample image
Grain - Al(OH)3

The abrasive grains regenerate approx. 95% quantitatively and what’s impressive - they keep 100% of their working characteristics.

Glass fiber nets

The glass fiber net keeps its shape and structure 100%.


The cryolite preserves 100% of its utilization characteristics and it can be re-utilized in the production of new discs.

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The invention relates to a method for the regeneration of: abrasive material, cryolite and glass network from the scrapped or used discs and their reuse in the construction, machine-building industry as well as all areas of industry where the use of cutting discs is required. The method is applicable to abrasive disks utilizing as binder both baketlite and polyurethane and any other type of organic binder. Remember – with our method - the size of the abrasive particles remains unchanged and consequently, they maintain their effectiveness.


The process of recovering abrasive materials and re-using them would lead to increased cost-effectiveness of production and elimination of the need to dispose of these expensive materials as waste.


Developing technology for the recovery of abrasive materials and their re-use would lead to increased economic efficiency of production and the elimination of the need to dispose of these expensive materials as waste.


The innovations developed under the project outweigh the alternative solutions as it offers a process for the regeneration of abrasive materials and their reuse.

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Our team

Kolio Troev

D.Sc., Professor Kolio Troev


Kolio Troev got his D.Sc. in chemistry in 1985 and became a Professor in 1988. He is a former director of the Institute of Polymer at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and held the position for over a decade. Kolio is the founder of the Laboratory “Phosphorus Monomer and Polymer, which was established in 1989, at the Institute of Polymers. USA, Japan, Germany and Russia are places where Kolio has specialized in. He is also the author of 151 scientific papers, published in reputable foreign journals and of three monographs, published by Elsevier, United States.

Dimitar Tanovski

Dimitar Tanovski


With background and experience in the field of International Business, Dimitar has been recognized as both a leader and a highly valued member in a team setting. Possessing growth mindset, Dimitar is curious, lifelong learner, fascinated by discoveries and intrigued by new challenges. Helpful, persistent and optimistic are characteristics which describe Dimitar. Do not hesitate to call with all your specific questions!